An unexpected pregnancy can be a challenging time. Support from friends can make a huge difference. As you consider what supporting her might look like, encourage your friend to verify her pregnancy. An at-home pregnancy test only tells her part of the story. Our experienced medical team at Spero Medical will offer a medically verified
How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing An Unexpected Pregnancy?

What to Know About Our Mobile Unit

When faced with an unexpected pregnancy, we offer a safe space where you can get answers about your pregnancy. Our medical services include pregnancy services, STD/STI testing, and well-woman care. In addition to our medical services, we offer material support, parenting resources, and more to meet you wherever you are. You are not alone, and
What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School?

Pregnancy likely wasn’t on your mind when you envisioned your high school years. You may have pictured your prom dress, attending football games, and excelling in athletics or arts. And now you might be pregnant. What can you do? Spero Medical can help. Visit us to talk in a confidential environment, confirm your pregnancy, and
What Are The Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Are you wondering whether or not you’re pregnant? Are you afraid you might be? Here are some of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. 1. A Missed Period During reproductive years, the uterus builds up a lining every month to prepare for a possible pregnancy. When pregnancy does not occur, there is a menstrual
How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Before having any medical procedure, you need to consider all the facts. What are the side effects and risks, and would there be a lasting impact on your life? The same is true for abortion. It is a medical procedure that you should fully understand before proceeding. What Are the Facts? Every woman will react
I Don’t Want To Be Pregnant Is Abortion My Only Option?

If you are already pregnant, the only way to stop it intentionally is with an abortion. However, you do not have to make a hasty decision. You have time to contemplate your options and seek information to help you make an informed decision. You are not alone. At Spero Medical, we can assist you during
Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

Having an abortion has the potential for physical and mental health risks. Getting as much information as possible is essential if you are considering one. For instance, did you know it’s possible to have an incomplete abortion? An incomplete abortion means the procedure terminates the pregnancy, but not all of the pregnancy and tissue comes
How Can I Recover Emotionally from an Abortion?

Abortion can be a difficult decision. Sometimes, women feel pressured into aborting when that would not be the choice they would typically make. What Are Conditions That Often Cause Emotional Issues After Abortion? If you’re struggling after an abortion, you are not alone. Researchers have found that women in the following situations are more at
How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

Finding out you’re pregnant, particularly if it’s unexpected, can stir a whirlwind of emotions. The prospect of sharing this news with your parents might feel daunting, with worries about judgment or their reaction. Despite the challenges, opening up to your parents about your pregnancy can pave the way for invaluable support and guidance. To make
3 Things You Need To Consider Before Having An Abortion

Safeguarding your health is the number one priority when discovering you’re unexpectedly pregnant. That’s why before you consider an abortion, find out if you’re eligible, get an ultrasound, and STD/STI testing. 1. Are You Eligible for a Medication Abortion? There are many scenarios where the abortion pill method (medication abortion) wouldn’t be the right procedure
Because you can leave feeling hopeful.-Anonymous
So much love and support.-Danielle
I felt very welcomed and not judged at all.-Heather
Helps to clear your mind and get a better understanding of things.-Jessica
Very helpful and nice. Nurses made me comfortable in a situation I was dreading.-Whitney
I feel I was provided with information that put my mind at ease.-Tara
Everyone was very helpful and provided vital information.-Emily
I’m so glad I came because now I know that I have choices.-Anonymous
Super helpful, full of knowledge, great environment, and great people.-Anonymous