An unexpected pregnancy can be a challenging time. Support from friends can make a huge difference. As you consider what supporting her might look like, encourage your friend to verify her pregnancy. An at-home pregnancy test only tells her part of the story. Our experienced medical team at Spero Medical will offer a medically verified
How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing An Unexpected Pregnancy?
What Are The Early Pregnancy Symptoms?
Are you wondering whether or not you’re pregnant? Are you afraid you might be? Here are some of the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. 1. A Missed Period During reproductive years, the uterus builds up a lining every month to prepare for a possible pregnancy. When pregnancy does not occur, there is a menstrual
Because you can leave feeling hopeful.-Anonymous
So much love and support.-Danielle
I felt very welcomed and not judged at all.-Heather
Helps to clear your mind and get a better understanding of things.-Jessica
Very helpful and nice. Nurses made me comfortable in a situation I was dreading.-Whitney
I feel I was provided with information that put my mind at ease.-Tara
Everyone was very helpful and provided vital information.-Emily
I’m so glad I came because now I know that I have choices.-Anonymous
Super helpful, full of knowledge, great environment, and great people.-Anonymous