Having an abortion has the potential for physical and mental health risks. Getting as much information as possible is essential if you are considering one. For instance, did you know it’s possible to have an incomplete abortion? An incomplete abortion means the procedure terminates the pregnancy, but not all of the pregnancy and tissue comes out of the body.
What Are the Types of Abortion?
There are two types of abortion: medication and surgical. How far along you are in your pregnancy determines the type of abortion you have.
Medication Abortion (also known as the abortion pill)
The FDA only approves the use of these abortion drugs through 10 weeks of pregnancy (70 days from the first day of your last period). You take two drugs to terminate a pregnancy over a 24 to 48-hour period.
The drugs are highly regulated, and the FDA recommends not purchasing them online. Many sites offering “cheaper” abortion drugs online are from overseas. You have no idea if they are safe. Only certified providers can prescribe the drugs in the United States.
Surgical Abortion
You visit a clinic or hospital for surgical abortion procedures. They are usually performed later in pregnancy. Depending on how far along you are, the abortion provider could use suction or vacuum aspiration, a curette (a spoon-shaped scraping tool), or forceps to remove larger parts.
Surgical procedures often involve dilating (opening) your cervix (which leads to your uterus) with instruments or medications and local or general anesthesia. Invariably, a surgical procedure is more expensive than a medication abortion, but it depends on the facility and how far along you are in your pregnancy.
What Are The Risks Of Abortion?
There are several potential physical risks for both the abortion pill method and surgical procedures.
The risks of the abortion pill include the following:
- Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
- An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
- Heavy and prolonged bleeding
- Infection
- Fever
- Digestive system discomfort
You need to consult your provider immediately if you experience the following:
- Heavy bleeding – soaking two or more pads an hour for two hours
- Severe abdominal or back pain
- Fever lasting more than 24 hours
- Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
The risks of a surgical abortion include these:
- Perforation of the uterus
- Damage to the cervix
- Scar tissue on the uterine wall
- Infection
Contact your provider immediately if you experience the following:
- Bleeding that’s heavy enough that you need to change pads every hour
- Lasting dizziness or lightheadedness
- Fever
- Cramps lasting more than 48 hours
- Pain that gets worse instead of better
- Foul-smelling discharge from the vagina
Some women also report adverse mental health effects after their abortion. Often, these negative feelings show up months or years later. They report feeling:
- Relationship problems
- Substance misuse
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Suicidal thoughts
- PTSD (trauma)
How Can Spero Medical Assist Me?
Our medical professionals offer free and confidential medical services. We can medically verify your pregnancy with testing and an ultrasound. Plus, you’ll want to test for an STI. Don’t skip these vital steps to get all the information possible.
Our trained client advocates can also give you more detailed information about abortion procedures, side effects, and potential risks. We can discuss your other options, too. Contact Spero Medical to make a free and confidential appointment. We’re here for you.