What Do I Need to Know if I Am Pregnant in High School?

Pregnancy likely wasn’t on your mind when you envisioned your high school years. You may have pictured your prom dress, attending football games, and excelling in athletics or arts.

And now you might be pregnant. What can you do?

Spero Medical can help. Visit us to talk in a confidential environment, confirm your pregnancy, and learn all your pregnancy options. All of our appointments are free and confidential.

Top 4 Things to Know When Pregnant in High School

Being pregnant in high school can be challenging, but you may have more support than you think. Here are our top four things you need to know when you’re pregnant in high school.

#1. You Have Rights Under Title IX.

All private and public schools that receive federal funds must comply with Title IX, which prohibits discrimination in educational programs and activities.

Under Title IX, your school must…

  • Allow you to continue your classes and participation in activities
  • Make reasonable accommodations (a larger desk, more bathroom breaks, etc.)
  • Excuse medically necessary absences
  • Allow you to return to the same academic and extracurricular status as when you left
  • Give you an opportunity to make up any missed work
  • Protect you from harassment

Talk with your guidance counselor to learn how your school can specifically support you during pregnancy.

#2. You Have Three Options, and Only You Can Decide.

Every woman, regardless of her age or stage in life, has three options: parenting, abortion, and adoption. While your parents or friends may try to pressure you into making a certain decision, the final choice is yours alone.

This decision will impact you more than anyone else. If you feel you’re being pressured, reach out to us for help. You deserve to make your own choice.

#3. High School Doesn’t Last Forever.

Right now, high school might seem like the most important part of your life. However, it’s only temporary. After graduation, many of your classmates and friends will attend different college programs, start jobs, enter the military, and even move.

While your classmates’ thoughts might seem extremely critical now, you may only keep in contact with your closest friends. Your pregnancy decision will last forever, but your high school years will not.

#4. Support Is Available.

You are not alone. There are many organizations ready to assist you with your needs. At Spero Medical, we can provide free and confidential pregnancy services, STI/STD testing, options information, and more.

If you choose to parent, we provide parenting classes and resources. We can also refer you to reputable adoption agencies and other organizations that can help with your needs, such as housing, food, and medical insurance.

Schedule your appointment today. We’re here for you.